Sunday 18 September 2016

Thought 329: The Philosopher's Stone

The equanimity
that comes
from the
bitter truth:
all is power.

In my view,
Lord Voldemort
is the unsung winner
of Harry Potter.

His soul ends
up in limbo
which is the
state of least
possible illusion:
perfect wisdom.

My proposed solution
to the wizarding war
is for Dumbledore and
Riddle to cooperate
in order to maintain
bloodline purity.

On a different note,
why does Tom Riddle
become Lord Voldemort?

Because he is torn between
the karma of Dumbledore
and the semikarma of Potter.

Potter is a moralist: he is
parasitical. Potter is the
Hanged Man who allows
degeneration to reassert

Why is morality parasitical?

Morality is antikarma parading
as karma. It is degeneration that
rebels against its lot by inverting
power with morality. It is Thou Shalt
preventing Do What Thou Wilt.

In other words, truth (Riddle)
must be crucified between
two thieves of contradiction:
destiny (Dumbledore) and 
fate (Potter), because
truth is unacceptable.